Orobanche ramosa is a species of broomrape known by the common names hemp broomrape and branched broomrape. -
Silhouette sunset over Pearl Millet Field in Countryside India. -
Poor Indian man suffering from Covid 19. Emergency Oxygen supply is active. Isolation on treatment for Corona in India. -
Cow's Udder / Close on a full and extended udder ready for milking. -
Fresh organic cow dung in empty farm. cow dung can be used as organic plant steel -
Close-up of Farmer hand holding green wheat ears in the field. Ripening ears. -
Indian Kids practicing yoga early in the morning, training yoga together. International yoga day. -
concept of a healthy lifestyle, mother, daughter and son doing yoga, have fun and spend a good time together -
Beautiful Indian girl celebrating indian independence day holding tricolor flag posing at park -
Caucasian man practicing yoga in lotus pose on the roof at home. -
Indian farmer feeding ayurvedic medicine to his cow to prevent lumpy skin disease. -
Indian female farmer carrying bajra or millet buds on her head in a plastic basket. -
Old Asian man smiling and showing a green screen cell phone with rural village life concept background. -
Cute Indian girl holding a bright Diwali Diya in Thali. -
Fresh guavas for sale at local market in Jaipur India. Young amrudh selling at market -
Aswagandha green leaves with green and red fruits over white background. Withania somnifera plant. Studio shot. -
After being washed, Colorful clothing dries on a clothesline in the yard outside -
Lumpy skin disease. -
Young Indian boy holding the small goat with affection and smiling face. -
people holding colorful powder in hands at holi festival. -
Ground shot of White Radish or Daikon in plantation with half in soil and half outside. -
Organic Healthy Hybrid Thai Variety Live Ashwagandha , Indian ginseng ,Winter cherry -
An poor Indian man suffering from Covid 19. Emergency Oxygen supply is active. -
Yoga concept, Healthy young indian exercising at home, sitting on sport mat, meditating -
Sprinkler functioning in green agriculture fields and watering in greenish fields -
Portrait Of Young Indian girl With Colored Face celebrating Holi Color festival -
Traditional stoves used by residents in rural India, made of clay, fueled with wood -
Building supermarket with paint from Asian Paints. Editorial Use Only.
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